Upload data in Marketplace

Upload data in Marketplace

Upload Data in Marketplace

Import your custom CSV file to create and manage your customer database through the marketplace.

How to upload data in Marketplace

  1. On the left-hand side of your screen, click Customers under the General menu
  2. In the top-right corner of the Customers page, click the button titled Import Customer (Hover over the buttons to check their names)
  3. A window titled Import Customer Data will appear onscreen. Press Click Here to download the Sample CSV file
  4. Populate the CSV file with the corresponding customer data
  5. Upload the CSV file by dragging and dropping it from your web browser to the window, or by clicking Select file
  6. In the text box below, enter the email you want to receive the CSV Report
  7. Click Upload to complete the action
  8. In the bottom-left of the screen, a green rectangular message will appear to confirm that the CSV file is being imported.
NOTE: You will be notified by email when the processing is complete

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